Sunday, December 05, 2004

What's on my desk..

I'm blog surfing and found "The Mother of all Blogs". She had a cool game of 'what's on my desk', and I decided as a good way to wind down the day to play. Anyway..

On my desk is:
2 boxes of sudacare (one child, one adult)
packing tape
bubble wrap
container of blank cd's for burning
box of envelopes
bills to be paid
The Wiggles - Wiggly safari CD
Rolled Lilo & Stitch poster
container of "Cosmic Catnip"
copy of Parents magazine
Mary Kay catalog
remote for the tv
pack of white chocolate covered pretzels
empty wrapping paper tube
misc. cards
misc other papers
box of bob's peppermint candy canes
2 Beth Manner's Spanish for kids cds

Just for your entertainment, I'll include a picture and you can see what else you can spot..

1 comment:

Ann D said...

Don't you love the way the holiday season adds a whole new layer of clutter? :-)

Loved your submission, especially the photo!

The Mother of All Blogs