Monday, December 06, 2004

Public Service Announcement

I found this on the ryze. I don't endorse them, though any chance for a child to get a scholarship is usually a good thing.


We are pleased to announce a new essay contest for high school students, and ask for your assistance in distributing information about the contest to high school administrators, counselors, faculty and students.

CoachVille?s mission in 2005 is to create a model for understanding the changing nature of leadership in the world. This mission includes a commitment to the development of emerging leaders now approaching adulthood. As part of that effort, we are pleased to announce a new essay contest for high school students on the topic Redefining Leadership.

We invite students in grade 9 ? 12 to consider models of leadership from the past and present to develop their observations into a vision for the leaders of tomorrow by considering the following question: If you could do one thing to shift the consciousness of others and evoke positive change as a future leader, what would that be?

Contest guidelines and an entry form are available online at:

Click on the Essay Contest link located on the upper right hand side of the page.

The contest winner will receive a $2,000 scholarship provided by Five Star Leader, CEO, Bea Fields, and will be invited to present the winning essay during the 4th Annual CoachVille Conference, May 4 ? 6, 2005 in New Orleans, LA (including complimentary lodging during the conference, and round-trip airfare to New Orleans **within the US).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging this! It's a great chance for the leaders of tomorrow to get a great headstart in college today. Sorry for not dropping by earlier. We've been very busy getting this out so that everyone who wants to can get a chance to enter before the deadline.

Anonymous said...

PS - the previous comment was from Soni Pitts, team leader for Coachville's online "Buzz Team" (my itchy submit finger got the better of me!)