Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Work at Home or Stay at Home?

One nice thing about being your own business boss is that if you don't work, the only person you answer to is yourself. However, the disadvantage is that there's no one but you to make sure it gets done. If you don't bring in the money, it's money you don't have. I've hit that "it's the holidays, I don't WANT to work" wall. If I were in the corporate world, it wouldn't be an option. Since it's just me at home, only me knows.

So, to the "work at home" vs. "stay at home" title. I stay at home with my kids, but I also run my own businesses. Since my jobs are all part-time, am I really a 'work at home' mom, or am I just a 'stay at home' mom with a little bit of side income? Eh? Or is it like the "you say potAto, I say potAHto" debate? In my kids' eyes, I'm just "mommy". I'll take that one too.

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