Wednesday, December 08, 2004

What a day..

I couldn't get the kids started, it was 10 minutes before the bus came before Robert was dressed and starting to eat his breakfast. I went to feed the fish and one of them jumped straight out of the tank (through a 1" gap), flip flop flip flop, until I managed to catch him and put him back.

Whew. Got son off to school, started preparing daughter's lunch/snack, caught a whiff from the cat box. Just as I get a bag out to take care of one issue, RING..! It's my husband.. "I've been in a car wreck.." He's ok, but hasn't called the cops and his arm hurts. (I won't repeat what went through my head just in case children are reading..)

Throw stuff into daughter's lunch box (random from the fridge), change her, brush my teeth, etc (in 5 minutes) and throw both of us into the minivan. Go find hubby.. wait for hubby to finish with cop.. follow hubby back home.. take daughter to school.. Rest of day is pretty uneventful, but STILL! Not a day I want to repeat.

For those of you that are interested.. here's the damage..

We have an insurance claim number, hubby is trying to figure out where to take it to get it fixed. And we'll have to rent a car to replace his while it's being serviced. ARGH!

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