Georgia Alert: 3-23-05 Help Prevent Easter Cruelty and save this years crop of little chicks, ducks and rabbits
Thanks to HSUS and AHA for providing information:
Help Prevent Easter Cruelty:
Thinking about giving your children a bunny or chick as a "special" Easter present?
Here are some things to think about:
*These extremely vulnerable little animals are poorly suited as pets. *Although unintentional, the vast majority of the baby bunnies, chicks and
ducks who are given as Easter gifts die within a few weeks.
*They require special feeding, care and constant temperatures.
*Small children often break their fragile bones and cause other fatal
*Those animals who do survive the first few weeks are often released to
animal care and control agencies, where many must be euthanized because no
permanent homes can be found.
*You may contract salmonella (which causes severe inflammation of the
gastrointestinal tract) from these chicks and ducks. Children are especially
vulnerable to this disease.
*This Easter, you can help prevent cruelty by giving your little ones stuffed
animals. And, after the holidays, if your family is ready for a new pet,
consider an adorable, adoptable dog.
Easter is March 27th. If you hear of anyone planning to give a seasonal animal, please talk to them. Some people truly don't understand what they are doing. If you know any stores that are still selling seasonal animals, please call them and ask them to STOP. Please be kind and tell them baby ducks, rabbits and chicks should not be a seasonal gift. Please provide phone numbers to people in YOUR area and ask them to call also.
Sent by:
Humane Association of Georgia, Inc.
A coalition of humane societies, animal control and rescue groups and
1317 Hearst Drive / Atlanta GA 30319
e-mail: info@HumaneAssociationofGeorgia.org
Visit our website: http://www.HumaneAssociationofGeorgia.org
or select: Humane
Association of Georgia, Inc. - Home Page
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Please join the Humane Association of Georgia. Our membership fee is $25.00 per year. Donations are appreciated. Please make your check payable to Humane Association of Georgia, Inc. and mail to the address above or select: Join Humane Association of Georgia!
About the organization:
HAGA is known for the Animal Protection Act of 2000 that provides
felony-level punishment for some acts of animal cruelty and the Dog and Cat Sterilization
License Plate that funds statewide spay/neuter surgeries. Our formation
allowed Georgia to be the first state to enact state law to allow animals in
disaster shelters. We were formed to support good animal legislation, provide
education about good animal stewardship and help animals in times of disaster.
HAGA is a member of Georgia Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster.
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