Saturday, December 18, 2004

Well, RATZ!

This really would belong with my toy stuff, but since it's more of a complaint than information about our toys, I'll put it here. Anyway, Jane Leitch, president of Discovery Toys, was on the Today show this morning. She was supposed to present $100K worth of toys to their charities of choice. They gave her 15 seconds to say who we are and what we're doing. Kinda hard to get an idea of who Discovery Toys is and why we're so special. So I'll put it here.

Discovery Toys has been in business for over 25 years. It was started by a mom who wanted good quality educational toys for her kids and still be able to stay at home with them. Consultants sell through home and catalog parties similar to Tupperware/Pampered Chef/Avon/etc. We do NOT sell in retail stores, we are NOT related to the Discovery Channel.

We're still very little compared to other home party businesses, though. If you compare us to Avon/MaryKay/Tupperware in Texas, they have more consultants in one state than we have nation wide.

All of our toys are GUARANTEED. If your child breaks it, we replace it free of charge. The exception is books due to normal wear and tear. All of our toys are EDUCATIONAL. Believe it or not, kids can have lots of fun while learning. We highly encourage parents to play with their kids. The kids really benefit, and it's FUN! The toys start at infant and go up to early teens. As an adult, I find many of them fun to play too.

Ok. End of my rant/promotion, about what Jane wasn't able to do.

Jane! You go Girl! Next year we'll make 'em stand up and notice us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley. This is so cool. If you need a change of pace, try this site:

Anonymous said...

Do you even know who Jane Leitch really is? Are you the least bit curious why there were only 700 reps at your DT conference and she's suddenly making all these comp plan changes, car program, etc...? How many leaders have left? You may want to contact some former DK reps and ask them if they lost their homes after Jane Leitch shut them down. Big promotions, sell sell sell - sponsor sponsor sponsor - shut the next day - no warning... Telling 30,000 women that "DKFL will be around forever" when she knew it wouldn't. You may want to find another business run by someone trustworthy.