Friday, December 17, 2004

Santa and parties

My daughter wants desperately to let Santa know that she wants a Chou-Chou doll (if you don't watch commercials about toys, it's pronounced "Shoo shoo"), there's just one problem. She won't go NEAR him, at least not voluntarily. Now, she's only 3, so I give her a break. She's been counting down the days to seeing Santa with her brother for a couple of weeks now. She's thrilled that he'll come give her stuff while she sleeps. I think the key here is that she WON'T BE NEAR HIM.

Co-Worker Christmas Parties
Onto another subject.. work Christmas parties. The Atlanta contingent of consultants had our Christmas party last night at my group manager's home. I went, though I was more ready to go to bed than to party. No one was expecting the BIG GUY to show up. He put an entirely new "twist" on the party. We'd been pretty clean until he showed.. he had a few "toys" in his bag that surprised everyone. We're all TOY LADIES, but NOT THAT TYPE OF TOY. It was funny, though.

We had our requisite white elephant exchange as well. I apparently had the record for number of things stolen from me. I was in the middle of the pack (#18 of 30) and had either 4 or 5 things taken away. I came away with something nice regardless, at least. I don't know if that's a title I want to hold, though.

School Holiday Parties
My daughter had her holiday party at school today. The class mom had a really cute idea. She made "candy necklaces" for the kids. You take holiday colored saran wrap (green or red) and pull out a good size piece. Then lay it out flat and place about 5-6 pieces of candy in a row along the long edge. Roll the saran wrap around the candy. Tie small pieces of ribbon between each piece of candy, tie a long piece to either end. Tie the two long pieces together to finish the "necklace". Really cute and was the hit of the party. If I get a chance I'll either scan or photo one of the ones I have for you to see.

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