Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Random Thoughts

Should I be worried that the most interesting thing on my blogs at time are the links to the other "interesting blogs" I read? Do I care?

I've hired someone from Ciao! My 'Bella! to spiff this blog up, not sure what that'll do with/to it.

Over the past few days I've had lots of random thoughts go through my head, none of which I've written down. Mostly because by the time I think of them I'm in bed, warm, and sleepy. I'm not about to get out of bed to blog. Sorry. I get little enough quiet time as it is.

My son has been quite pleased with himself recently. I "challenged" him last week to read a story to me at his bed time, instead of my reading to him. He was convinced he couldn't (after all, he's only in kindergarten), but that evening he read a short book to me called "Cars Cars Cars". Now, he probably recited most of it from memory, but that's an excellent start. He's reading to me some of the other simple books in the evenings. Definitely a good thing.

My son is finding out that kids that are 2-3 years older don't always want to play the same games he does. A couple of other kids from the neighborhood like to show up around here and play with the toys we have. I suspect half of their attraction to my son is the toys we have, though I give them the benefit of the doubt since for the most part they're good kids. The last couple of times they've come by, they've gone through the house, picked up a couple of toys, and headed to my back yard. They don't really even stop to talk to my son or find out what he wants to play. Makes me wonder.

I've been taking a conversational spanish class. I'm doing ok, though I know I need a lot of work. I discovered the other day that there's at least one native-German speaking family at my daughter's preschool. I took 4 years of German in college. It makes me want to go back and see if I can get my German back up to conversational state and call myself "conversationally tri-lingual". Not sure what it would be good for, but it's tempting.

I found this advent calendar online and thought I'd share it with you.

In 1969 (the year you were born)
Richard Nixon becomes president of the US

Senator Edward Kennedy escapes injury when the car he is driving veers off a narrow bridge on Chappaquiddick Island

US astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to set foot on the moon while commanding the Apollo 11 mission

Breathtaking pictures of Mars are transmitted to earth from NASA's Mariner 7 as it passes within 2,200 miles of the Red Planet

Woodstock music festival begins in upstate NY, featuring performances by Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, and many more artists

250,000 Vietnam War protestors gather in Washington for the largest anti-war rally in US history

The first draft lottery since WWII is held in New York City

The Beatles' performance in public for the last time, on the roof of Apple Records

The Stonewall riots mark the start of the modern gay rights movement in the US

Marilyn Manson, Jennifer Aniston, Renée Zellweger, Edward Norton, Christian Slater, and Linus Torvalds are born

New York Mets win the World Series

New York Jets win Superbowl III

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Sesame Street premieres

Midnight Cowboy wins the Oscar for best picture

David Bowie's debut single, "Space Oddity", becomes a huge hit - in part to the US landing on the moon

Sharon Tate & the LaBiancas are found murdered by Charles Manson & "family"

What Happened the Year You Were Born?
More cool things for your blog at Blogthings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Super work performed. Top PAGE, further so!