Monday, February 04, 2013

Big Apple Circus

I won tickets to go see the opening night of the Big Apple Circus. Unfortunately, most of my pictures were either dark or blurred, though I did get lucky on a few.

The nice lady in the row ahead of us heard me fussing at my daughter for not cooperating with pictures. So she snapped this one for us before the show started. My daughter was not amused.

The start of the show was this, or at least the "scene" that was set as you were seated.

Our host and ringmaster

The rest are fairly self explanatory.

All in all a very enjoyable show. It was NOT warm in the tent, though it wasn't as cold inside as it was outside. I got a little miffed during the show when I was told I couldn't take pictures. They made an announcement at the start that there was no FLASH photography for the safety of the performers, and no videography at all. Not sure what the gentleman (employee of the circus) thought I was doing, but I wasn't using flash nor video. Other than that, I think we had a good time.

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