Friday, June 06, 2014

Friday Fitness

So, I didn't do so well in the month of May. I could blame it on end of school, leaving my job at GCA, or any number of other items. Fact is, I just didn't want to. I hit a wall and couldn't get myself motivated. Instead of doing a workout after my son headed off to school, I'd just watch the news or doze until time to get going for the rest of the day. Then I couldn't get in to walking the dogs later. Depression? Maybe. Stress? Definitely. Lack of motivation? Not really, at least not from external sources.

My kids, though, have agreed to start walking out at Stone Mountain park some mornings. It'll be fairly early due to the heat, but I want to start getting out there twice a week or so. I don't think I want to CLIMB the mountain, but certainly doing the 5 mile loop around is a good place to start.

I also want to explore a bunch of the parks in GA that I've yet to go to.  Get some hiking and what not in.  I need to replace my son's bike (he has 2 that don't fit) and maybe we can do a family bike trip. I'd love to try the trails at Callaway.

At any rate, here's hoping I do better than I have.  

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