Tuesday, May 08, 2007


We all make them, we're all subject to them. But sometimes they drive me nuts. I love working with kids (otherwise I'd never be a substitute teacher or a Cub Scout leader). I was in a class this week and one of the boys is both new to my neighborhood (though I hadn't met him) and to the school. He's not quite the clown, but not the quiet type either. For whatever reason, I think this is a good kid and usually my instincts are pretty good (or at least I like to think so). What drove me nuts was this...

On the playground my class was having to walk laps (talking too much - it is end of school year). While they were walking, one boy from another class said/did something to the boy in my class. I don't know what happened but one boy pushed the other and the boy in the other class fell down. I got onto my boy with full intent of having him go talk to a counselor and figure out what happened with the other boy involved (both boys visiting counselor). One of the other substitutes made the comment (to the child) that she could see why he was new to our school so late in the year.

Now, *I* caught the implications behind her comment(without tone of voice, you'll have to infer what I'm talking about). I really don't think the boy involved did. But it bugs me that she'd make that sort of comment about a boy she doesn't know nor ever met. I didn't say anything to her, I didn't think I'd say anything appropriate and since I think the child missed it, I didn't want him to pick up on it.

I've been around kids long enough (and I would hope so has she) that she'd know that things aren't always what they seem. Assumptions are made based on general guilt and such. Going as far as she did with her statement, though, seemed a bit much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the boy didn't hear. That is a terrible thing to say, the kind of thing that sticks with a child and lowers their self-esteem!