Sunday, September 25, 2005

More "protocol".

So, parents, more input on protocol. How do you handle something being broken? Group of kids at the house, you don't always watch everything they do. Suddenly, something is broken. You can lecture ALL the kids, or you can point fingers (lord knows the kids do).

I ask because it almost always seems that something (toys, gates, doors) are getting broken. I don't know which child is doing it and in the long run I guess it doesn't really matter. But the kids have managed to "break" two play yard gates, put a good sized crack in the side of the slide, and another gate is having issues. Today the gate had the screws completely ripped out of the wood. These are 3" screws. 4 of them. Gotta wonder what they did to do it.

*sigh* I hate to limit what my kids can do with their friends, but we can't afford to replace everything.

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