Saturday, May 21, 2005

Me? A Lead Teacher?

We had our last staff meeting yesterday. Going over training classes for the summer and schedule for fall. I've been asked to possibly be a lead teacher for one of the 3 year old classes next year. Apparently even though over all enrollment is down, they've filled up (or started to) 3 different 3 year old classes and are looking at having to add a fourth. I'd said that I'd help out next year, but they had to understand that we were listing our house no later than February. At that point we were at the mercy of the home buyers as to what our schedule will be.

Ideally we'll sell our house pretty quickly and be able to rent it back until the end of school. Then the kids don't have to change schools, and we'd move beginning of June. This being a buyers market, though, things may or may not sell that easily. I'd hate, though, to become a teacher only to leave the kids halfway through the school year. Once we move, though, I know I won't want to try the reverse of the commute my husband has.

The timing for the move actually works out quite well. My parents are moving to Florida next year, so we won't have the ties to this side of town like we do currently. My husband's family lives in north Georgia, so moving to the Alpharetta/Cumming area puts us closer to them. Moving before my daughter starts Kindergarten and before my son gets much older is good too. It also makes hubby's commute MUCH shorter, leting hubby be home more for the kids than he is now. All in all, a good idea, if annoying one.

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