We are having a WONDERFUL fundraiser for our family readiness group May 15-Aug 15. We are trying to earn money for a HUGE welcome home party for our troops as well as activities to keep the families busy while the husbands are away. Here are the specifics. I WOULD LOVE YOUR SUPPORT and this works great for your personal use AND your business!! Then at the bottom I have an email you can send out to all of your friends and family and ask them to support our troops by purchasing and forwarding it out to their friends and family too!
Company: Greeting Cards International
Product: Greeting Cards
Price: 25.00 for 10 cards
FRG Earns: 10.00 for each card
Payment: Via Paypal, MasterCard, or Visa
How To Order: Via website http://www.bestfundraiser.org/index.php/soc/5-7Cav
Training Website for YOU to learn how it works so you can make better sales:
I HIGHLY recommend each of you take a look at this site.
What is it? Greeting Cards International has formed a website where you will be able to enter a name, address, etc. of a recipient and choose a card, and enter your personal information. The card is then sent out (stamped and physically delivered- not a virtual card via email) to the recipient. You can choose the day you want it sent. This is great for you business, personal contacts and more! It's also great to send to the soldiers overseas.
How many times have you forgotten a birthday? Just wanted to send a card? But really didn't feel like running down to Hallmark? It's actually even LESS EXPENSIVE than most cards!
So pass this on to all of your friends and family members! Let's reach 1500 by selling 150 greeting card bundles!!
Dear Friends and Family, As you know __________and I are in the HHT unit of 5-7 CAV here at Ft. Stewart. We are doing a Family Readiness Group Fundraiser to raise money to support our guys. We earn 10.00 for every 25.00 Greeting Card Bundle we sell. We would appreciate your support! Please see the information and link below to find out more about the Greeting Card Program. There's even a video to tell you how it works! Let us know if you have any questions.
Love, ______________________
1 comment:
Visit my sight www.JenniferTracey.com follow the link to support our Troops. I use the proceeds to ship packages to all the single soldiers in the 5-7 Cav. thank you
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