Thursday, March 10, 2005

crazy moms

I had to get my daughter registered for the Pre-K program Wednesday morning. I really wanted to get her in to the same place my son went. The catch being that in my county, the child care centers are where pre-k is offered. They only have 40 slots (2 classes) total. At least 15 of those were pre-taken by some of the 3 year olds already enrolled there. That left only 25 available. It's not done lottery, it's first come first serve. It's also a very popular facility, so I had to be prepared to get up early.

I set my alarm for 3:45 so that I could make sure to get there by 4:30 (yes, in the morning). Unfortunately, with my cough I woke up at 1:30. Since going back to sleep would have been worthless, I watched "Day after Tomorrow". I got there right about 4:30 and I was *not* first. About 15 minutes after I got there, the next mom came up. By 6a (the facility opens at 6:30) there were about 10 parents in line. The lady ahead of me had twins and one lady behind me had triplets.

I did manage to get her in to the class I wanted, though I still think we were all nuts.

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