Monday, January 03, 2005

Airports and Kids

I took my kids to the local "small" airport today. We had lunch at a restaurant called the Downwinds, which is right next to the runways and such. They had a blast watching the planes take off and land. There was a helicopter pilot apparently learning how to fly as well (he kept lifting up about 10 feet, turning, landing, lift, turn, land). Afterwards, one of the local flight schools let the kids look into one of the little planes they use to teach with. They had a blast!

The airport we went to is Peachtree-DeKalb. They have a picnic area not far from where the restaurant is, and they're apparently putting in a kid's aviation playground. How cool! It's supposed to be a great way for kids to learn about the airport and such. We'll definitely be going back, though we may pack a picnic next time. The kids had fun running in the grass, and if they're outside yelling "HEY LOOK! ANOTHER AIRPLANE!" outside, they're less likely to disturb other diners. ;)

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