Friday, December 03, 2004

It's very hard..

to work on a computer with a 3 year old asleep on your lap. They tend to sprawl and take over. My daughter likes to have at least one arm as a pillow, which means typing with one hand. If you shift, then you find out that your limb has fallen asleep. Generally at that point I'd make an attempt to put her in her own bed, but with my arm asleep, I'm not sure I can carry her. So what do I do? I surf everyone else's blogs. Have you tried the Blog Explosion yet? Kinda fun seeing other blogs.

As long as I'm talking about my daughter, she's going to be a little genius. She can type her own name into the computer when playing computer games, recognise patterns of A/AB/ABC/ABCD/AABB/AABCC, recognise all 26 letters of the alphabet, and more. Can you say I'm a proud mommy? She's going to give her older brother a run for his money, that's for certain.

On her brother, we're on the watch out for dyslexia in him. He has some problems at this point switching letters. Though at 6, it's just something we're watching for now. The eye doctor said his vision is where it should be for his age. Unfortunately, dyslexia does run in the family. He's a bomb for numbers, though. Addition is easy, subtraction takes a bit more work, multiplication is his current fascination. We haven't tried division at this point.

I will say that he found Discovery Toys' wrap & learn fun to play with. I don't have pictures of him with it at this point. Maybe later. I'm bad about keeping the camera within easy reach, and by the time I run go get it, they're done doing whatever it was they were doing. Bad mommy!

My son also suffers from "growing pains" quite literally. He's grown 1-1.5 inches since the beginning of October. He went from a size 12 shoe to a 1. I wonder if the migraines he was suffering until we saw the specialist weren't related. What with Kaiser, though, it'll take another referral to go find out.

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