Friday, August 10, 2012

Finished First Week of School

We managed to finish our first week of school. The kids are still excited about the Gwinnett Online Campus. They love the hands on labs and being around the other kids. I love not having to log attendance or track their work. I'm making them take ownership of their school work. I start them in the morning and give them a break. I have them go back and check email and work a second time later in the day to make sure nothing new has been added or that they missed something the first time. After that, unless they specifically need help with the work, I've left them alone. They have been given the warning, though, that if the continue to finish work quickly during the day, I'll start having them work on the next day's work and get ahead. No video game days like we had with GCA.

This has been a good week for them to be trying something new too. With my work as an FSL at GCA running overtime due to intake, I've found I have even less time to monitor them. The nice thing, though, is that if there are any issues, the teachers will know my children on sight (and likely me), so they can get us on track that much more quickly. LOVE that. So do my kids.

So, it looks like it's that much of a better choice than I thought. I'll just have to evaluate it all at the end of each week to make sure we maintain a good balance.


Jon Hope said...

Hi! We are enjoying GOC too. I am noticing that it is more interactive than GCA. Part of the GCA curriculum is online, but often we were just reading words on the screen, or printing off a worksheet. The daily interaction with the teachers (via email, cell phones, etc) is such a plus!

Jon Hope said...

Hi, Ashley! We are enjoying GOC too. I find it far more interactive than GCA. Some of the GCA curriculum was online, but there was very little interactivity (outside of the Elluminate classes, which we usually skipped). The daily interaction with GOC teachers and classmates (via email, cell phones, etc.) is such a plus!