Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Kitten Window


Aleksandra Nearing said...

Cats do love looking outside! Mine stare at the chipmunks and squirrels with twitching tails :) Happy Wednesday!

Atlanta Green Mom said...

Ever wonder what they are thinking? Something along the lines of, "bird. yum. oh look there's a squirrel. back to the bird."

The Sisters' Hood said...

We have quite the menagerie over here too!

Meghan said...

Bird watching I bet

Autumn said...

Cats are notoriously curious little creatures. My MIL's are outdoor cats that spend their time at the windows peering in. lol I guess the grass is always greener on the other side...

Des said...

Um, I have these owners trained...they work all day so I can sit back and enjoy the view.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That looks like quite the happy cat, too. Our loves sitting anywhere that the sun shines in.