Monday, April 01, 2013

Monday Musings

To Virtual School or to Brick & Mortar-
The deadline is upon me. I must decide whether or not I'm sending my daughter back to Gwinnett Online Campus in the next couple of days. I plan on trying the drive out to the new school location tomorrow. On a good day, the drive will be about 30 minutes. On a bad day, well, it's Atlanta. I also have to figure out what I'd do with myself while she's there. I will still be working, so I'll have to find somewhere to hole up and work. I don't see me driving out there and then back twice in a day twice a week. I know there are a few places I can probably set up, so I'll scout those out while I'm out that way tomorrow. I know my daughter's preference and I know WHY she has her preference. Honestly, I'm not sure it's enough to use yet.

Going to Church-
I'll be honest, I haven't been to church in several years. I was on a roll when the kids were younger until they got sick back to back and broke the streak. From there, I tried to convince my husband to go with me but he's generally a homebody after his work week. My kids see him and would rather stay home. I'd rather stay home with family, just because it's not often we're all together. I'm thinking this summer, though, that I may try visiting a new church. I'm thinking my kids are old enough to make that decision for themselves and come with me or not. I made some new friends when helping out at the Easter carnival at Luxomni Baptist and they were highly encouraging for me to visit. So, I may make that a summer goal.

Spring Break etc -
I'm on spring break this week, my kids go on spring break next week. So, I'm going to try to use this time to catch up on a few things around the house. My daughter and I have to prepare for the Color Run this weekend too. I'm excited to be able to go do it again. This year we're running with some fellow mom bloggers, which should make it that much more fun. Hopefully, I'll have lots of pictures to share on this one next week.

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