A friend of mine is very involved in PTA and is a legislative liason. Through her, I heard about a program called "Student Advocacy Day" out at the capitol. It was a chance for middle/high schoolers to find out more about what's going on legislatively that affects them as well as their rights. We were among the first to arrive,

though we weren't long waiting for the others. There were around 300 students there. Not only did they have several adults speak, they had kids from various schools talk as well. Presenting information on HOPE, illegal immigration, funding for education, bullying and more. After the talking was done, we adjourned for lunch over at one of the government buildings. We then wandered over to the Capitol itself. We had planned to sit in on one of the sessions (either Senate or House), but they had broken off into committee meetings by that point. True, we still could have stayed, but after looking around, the kids were ready to go home.

We'll arrange to go back another day to listen, or listen in through the web.
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