Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Georgia Virtual Academy

I sat in on an information session last night to find out more about this online charter school. We're still exploring the possibility of home schooling our children the next school year and this one was brought to my attention. I'd seen it before, but not really researched it. I have to admit, I really liked what I heard in the session.

Here are a few of the points that I took away. If you want more info, I'd suggest you sign up for a future information session and check it out. Some of these may be 'obvious', but I made note of them anyway.

1- all teachers have taught for a minimum of 3 years in a 'standard' school before applying to GVA
2- currently it is only K-8
3- you can use multiple computers for multiple children, or arrange the schedule so that each child works on one computer at different times
4- you do have to opt in at the end of each school year
5- minimum of 5 hours for 4th & 5th graders and 5.5 hours for middle school each day
6- there IS A PTA, with different committees
7- there are LOTS of outings to do LOTS of fun stuff
8- as a courtesy, notify your public school after enrolling at GVA
10- all course materials are FREE

So, now you know.

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