Friday, August 28, 2009

Lottery dreams

After ranting yesterday about lack of money, I thought it'd be fun today to dream about what I'd do if we won the $325M lottery.

1 - half would be set aside for the taxes.
2 - half of what remained would be set up to let me live on the interest.
3 - my house would be sold as-is and I'd go buy the home of my dreams (which really isn't outrageous and is certainly NOT a mansion). 4 - all bills would be paid off.
5 - hire my dad to manage the accounts.
6 - I'd pay off the mortgage on my parents' condo.
7 - Set up trust funds for the kiddos (probably incl. nieces & nephews in that).
8 - take my daughter on her dream Nickelodeon cruise with the iCarly cast.
9 - travel! I really want to see Scotland, London, Paris, Italy, Australia, etc etc.
10 - home school my kids (so they can travel with me, nothing like field trips for learning)
11 - support the various charities I want to support.
12 - hire a maid to help me keep the house clean.
13 - keep dreaming!

Hubby says he'd retire from his job, too.

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