Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little to No help day

This wasn't necessarily the post I had in mind for today, not that I had anything in particular to post about. But it seems the most appropriate. With only a limited amount of help this morning, some of the leaders got the gym at the church ready for our Blue & Gold Banquet this evening. My in-laws are coming down (at the request of my son) to attend with him. This isn't the "big" one for us. Next year, my son will cross-over into Boy Scouts.. that one will be the big one.

Back at home, I'd already tended the animals (including my children) and started our contribution to the food for tonight by 9a. When I got home from helping there, I made sure my kids got lunch and then I attempted to get my son started back up on his science fair project. He's resisting all the way. It's not a topic of his own choice, it's one that was picked for him. The topics he'd come up with were shot down by the science teachers. So, he's not that into doing it. I can't say I blame him, it's not one I'd have chose either. I refuse to do it completely FOR him, so we're at a stand still right now.

I am at least still getting research into doing home school next year. I was going to visit with a friend today and talk to her, but with how long it took at the church and my (apparently misplaced) hope of getting some of my son's project done, I decided we'd wait until next weekend.

So anyway, it's a pretty typical day. Just a mom trying to get things done with little to no help.

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