Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Science Night Out

My son went to the Science Night out at Fernbank Science Center. He'd heard from a friend about all the cool stuff they did at Halloween and decided it'd be fun to give it a go. Unfortunately, he wasn't impressed. The summary I received was "we measured stuff, made a paper rocket and talked about physical science stuff". No further description was given nor was I able to entice anything further out of him. Oh well. It did happen to be a clear night and the observatory was open. So after we picked him up from his classroom, we wandered over and took a peek through the big telescope. My son thought that was cool. Some astronomy students had a smaller telescope out as well pointed to the perseids. My son had fun with that one too.

So, while the science night out may not be repeated (I've promised my daughter a chance to go to the Parent's Night Out at GGC in January), we'll likely be back another night to view the stars at the observatory instead.

1 comment:

Lone Butterfly said...

Wow - we didn't go this time (obviously), but that doesn't sound like NEAR as much fun as blowing up balloons and dropping them in liquid hydrogen - then watching them shatter.

B10 wants to go back for the Lego Robotics night at the beginning of the year, but that's kind of discourging to hear that report!