Saturday, August 04, 2007


I took everyone shopping Friday. Wow. Taking 5 kids shopping for school clothes is like herding cats. I did, though, manage to get pretty much everything my sister's children will need for school. My kids (fortunately) don't need much. I was watching for long sleeve shirts and really didn't see that many. So, of all of them my son got the fewest things. I'll have to make it up to him later.

We did Medieval Times for dinner. The kids were bummed that we didn't get the color knight(s) we wanted (we were yellow). But as it turned out, all of the knight colors we wanted lost anyway. Except for my daughter who was determined by the end that SHE had said SHE wanted the color that won (blue). When just before the show she was crying that we didn't get green. Confused yet?

The knights are color-coded sections. Green, Red/Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Black/White, and Red. Tonight was the blue knight's turn to win. (They rotate.) Thus, all the others lost. It's a cool show, if expensive.

So today is a "rest" day. We'll have to wait and see what happens next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny re her saying she wanted blue, upset about getting yellow, and crying before the show about not having green!!!! Kids are so frustrating/hilarious.