Friday, October 07, 2005

A Tutti Ta!

OK, I need help.. I'm trying to locate the song my kids sing.. it goes this way..

A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
Thumbs up!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
Thumbs up! Elbows back!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart.
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!
A tu ti ta, a tu ti ta, a tu ti ta ta!

etc etc etc..


Anonymous said...

Here it is at Amazon, on a CD by "Mr. Al."

Unknown said...

Actually, check out Tooty-Ta by Dr. Jean Feldman. You can get a bunch of K-1 songs on her CD...from months of the year to days of the week all on that one CD with Tooty-Ta on it. I'm an elem. music teacher, and I use mine all year...I don't know the Mr. Al version, but if you are looking for other educational stuff, Dr. Jean Feldmam is it. :) Good luck!