Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Well, I had a realtor over today. We don't know yet if we're going to move or not, but I wanted to find out about how much our house might sell for. I'm going to get at least one more realtor (probably 2) to come by and give us a market analysis. From there we'll see what we're going to do. My husband drives 1 hr one way to/from work on a GOOD day, so the kids don't get to see him except on weekends. We want to get closer to his office, we're just waiting on the right 'timing'.

1 comment:

Nina said...

My husband has to drive 45 minutes to work too. Unfortunately for us, we don't own the house we live in to sell it. And we certainly can't afford to move. So, he just keeps on driving. One day...one day. :-)