Friday, January 14, 2005

My business

It's been a while since I wrote about being a work at home mom, or about my business, so I thought I'd update that. I'm in "rebellion" mode. Being a Discovery Toys Consultant, for all the time, effort, and money I put into it, has not done as well as I had hoped. Being my own boss has both it's advantages and disadvantages. A pro/con is that I only answer to myself. As such, if I take time away, I have only myself to answer to. This goes true for pretty much anyone that runs their own business. My husband stated from the start that he didn't think I'd get it going, so of course I had to put my all into it to prove him wrong. Unfortunately, I've done no such thing. I've also hit a "spending freeze". I can spend no money I don't have to for the family until we've done our taxes and had a chance to plan out our finances for the year. That means, no inventory, no catalogs, no advertising, etc. Pre-committed money can still be spent, but I can add no new commitments. So. I'm in rebellion mode, doing nothing, feeling sorry for myself, being mad at myself, etc etc etc.

Actually, that's not totally true. I have a bunch of sale catalogs that I'm putting out where I can (bought before the freeze) and I'm working on my toy blog to keep any customers I currently have updated on what's available. I'm not giving up, I'm just scaling way back. Reevaluating what I want to do. Being an at home mom is a great thing, I just want to be able to contribute to the family income slightly.

Before my kids were born I told my family that after I'd had kids and they were in school, I was going to become a substitute teacher. So, I take that class next week and get all the paperwork filed. I'd have waited another year to do it, but I've had several people in my son's school tell me to go ahead. My daughter enters the Pre-K program next year and they've told me I can still work it out so that I ONLY work while she's in school. Her school times won't match my son's yet, but it's still doable.

Being a Discovery Toys Consultant hadn't occured to me until around October 2003. I wanted to find something to do to earn a little money and still do it around my kids. I did a lot of research online about various companies before I decided to become a DT Consultant. It's a great fit, if only I could get it to work for me like I think it should. Then again, I'm not a good seller, don't like to push myself on people, and absolutely HATE cold calling. Oh well. I'll get it straightened out at some point.

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