Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Disney Marathon Update

Well, I made it back. I got in to Orlando on Friday evening. Didn't have much time to do anything. Saturday morning I went and picked up my runner's packet and toured the vendors on display. I got a brief chance to go to MGM to ride the Rock-N-Roller Coaster. I didn't want to do much in the way of walking as I would be doing 13.1 miles sunday morning, so I rode the coaster twice and called it a day. Well, not really, but I didn't do a lot more.

Sunday morning dawned WAY to early. I had to get up at 2:45 to get ready. Last bus to leave the resorts for the race was 4a. I made it to the 3:30 bus, rode to the staging area, and then waited.. and waited.. about 5:00 they took us to the starting line, where we waited.. and waited.. Race finally started at 6a. It then took me until about 6:10-6:15 to actually cross the START.

It was cool, but not cold. My dad and I finished right at 3:34 (time given at end when I checked). I was tired and sore, but very proud of myself. Whee! My dad wants me to do it again next year with 30 minutes less time. OUCH. Right now that hurts to think about.

Congratulations, though, to everyone that did the 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) and the full marathon (26.2 miles). It was HOT by the time the full marathoners finished. I have pictures, but I'll have to get them developed first.

Runner # 20583

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've never done a marathon before..just cross country stuff at school..oh, what a pain..*laugh* Anyway, after graduation, a bunch of us went and scaled up Mount Kinabalu on Borneo, the highest peak in Malaysia...every step of the way up was followed by me muttering "what have i gotten myself into" and "WHAT was i THINKING?"

Although it was an awesome memory and yes, everyone of us made it to the top ( i even had a case of mountain sickness and was all nauseated and like that ), that'll be something i am quite positive i'll NOT be doing again..*laugh*
