Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I'm one of those random people who cannot take benadryl. I keep having to remind myself of this fact at intervals. I was sneezing yesterday and decided I'd "get ahead" of whatever was coming and took benadryl before bed. BAD BAD BAD. About 3 hours after I took it, my muscles started getting the twitches. My brain was fogged, but my body needed me to stretch and stay moving, or the twitches would get me. ARGH! It lasted for about an hour, then I could sleep, but not breathe. Ah well. If I take it during the day, it just fogs my brain with cotton, bad for doing much during the day. But I can't sleep, regardless.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Can ya take Nyquil??

Stefani @ said...

How awful. If you aren't feeling so swell I can't imagine taking medicine and feeling even worse. Poor thing.