Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well Well Well

First I must say thanks to Mia and Ro from Ciao Mia Bella for the groovin' new layout of my blog. You guys rock!

I haven't been able to do laundry for over a week, I have piles of clothes and sheets everywhere. I took some of it to the local laundromat to get it done and it cost $42. OUCH! My washing machine started making bad scrunching noises and refusing to drain, so hubby said he'd take a look. A week later he told me that if he took it apart, it was unlikely he'd get it back together. So I called Sears. Sears guy came out yesterday and told me it'd cost about $300 to fix. Ya know.. you can get a NEW washing machine for that price. This one is about 15 years old at this point, so why bother to invest in it? Now to decide what I want and how much I'm willing to spend. In the meantime, I think the clothes are going to take over.

I took down my Christmas decorations yesterday. I was always told growing up that it was bad luck to leave them up past New Year's Eve. I think it may have been an excuse from my mom to be able to take the decorations down early, but it's become habit for us now. It's amazing how much more room that gave us down stairs once I got the cleaning done. Now to get everything back in to storage to free up the rest of the space.

It's funny, but for the most part this holiday, my kids have been very anti-social. They haven't wanted to go anywhere, they haven't really wanted friends over. It's just in the past day or so that they wanted to have a friend over. I guess with school, they're just on burnout.

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