Saturday, December 25, 2004

Celebrities, Christmas, and more

After posting some of my 'less known' facts, I got to thinking about why those 3 actors are some of my favorites. Part of it is their looks. Face it, all three are attractive men in their own rights. Somehow, for me, there's more to it. I admire all three for their acting skills. All three manage to make whatever they are playing come to life. From simple roles, to the big ones (Bond, Legolas, etc). Oliver Platt and Sean Connery I respect as well for their married lives. They have stayed with their wives and family unlike most other celebs that can't seem to make up their minds. Orlando Bloom we'll have to wait and see, only time will tell. From what I've seen and heard from/of him, he'll be one to do the same.

You know it's Christmas when your daughter takes the roll of toilet paper and drops it into her bath water.

I'm evaluating, trying out, whatever, several different traffic generators. All are free with "purchase in" options so you don't have to surf as much. They're doing ok for bringing traffic in, but not the best. The first is Traffic Swarm. It has a mix of sites from other traffic generators to actual web sites mixed in.

The second is WAHM Traffic. This is primarily a traffic generator for Work at Home Moms. Does a pretty good job, though I haven't received any sales from it. It consists currently of businesses run by WAHMs.

The third is TS25. This is a new one for me. You apparently "compete" for a position in a 'syndicate'. This requires a lot of surfing, and I find it debatable as to whether it'll do much. I haven't been doing it long enough, though, to know for certain.

The fourth is Blog Explosion. I've seen a lot of increase in traffic for my blogs on this one. Even a few comments. Of the surf for traffic, this one seems to work the best. Assuming, of course, that I have any content on my blog worth reading.

My recommendations? Use traffic generators if you want, but don't count on them for a lot. I'll keep playing with them for now, but my two preferred ones are WAHM Traffic and Blog Explosion. Just a note: I'm promoting more than just my blog on all but Blog Explosion. I have my own WAHM Shop, my Discovery Toys site, and my new business called Kinder Cakes. Not counting some affiliate stuff I'm doing.

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