Monday, December 13, 2004

Car & Consumer Product Test Group

OK. Something is still wrong around here. I'm all happy that I finished my errands today early, was going to stop and hang out before picking my daughter up from school. Get out of the car, I hear this loud "HISSSSSSSS". I look around and realize it's coming from my TIRE! OI! Now, I can change tires, but I hate those little bitty spares that cars come with now a days. THEY DON'T BELONG! Anyway, I fish out my AAA card and sit on hold for a few minutes before realizing (HA!) that there's a car repair place on the other side of the parking lot. So instead of waiting on AAA to answer, get someone out there, etc etc.. I walk across the parking lot. Fortunately, they have it fixed in 15 minutes. The picture below shows what came OUT of my tire.. it is NOT a small nail.. it's a part of a car that the repair guy named but I don't remember.. he felt more sorry for whomever lost it than me. Ah well.

Anyway, has anyone signed up for one of those Consumer Product Test panel things? Does it work? Is it a scam?

1 comment:

DD said...

I'm glad you were okay! Wonder what that thang is?