Thursday, November 18, 2004

Random thoughts for the Day

It's nice getting comments on my random comments. :) Admittedly, I started this blog as a way to communicate with my customers without filling their inbox. They could read as often as they wanted. I've since discovered Blog Explosion and started surfing other sites. I've found some cute ones, some educational ones, and some that I could do without. I'm sure we're all the same as far as that goes.

I found this on someone's page while surfing, and thought it was too cute:
Current Terror Alert Level
Terror Alert Level
Having a sister that's in the military, having watched her in Desert Shield/Storm, and watching this go around, I'll probably keep this one around. I was at Walt Disney World on 9/11. I watched everything on a TV monitor, then watched the parks become no-mans land. Very scary stuff.

On a different topic, my son came home today with that "the world hates me" look. It's hard to see since he's usually so excited about school. This week has been very exciting too since his birthday is tomorrow, his party is Saturday, and he invited his entire Kindergarten class to the party. Turns out an older boy hit him a couple of times and told him that he couldn't be his friend. This boy (a 3rd grader) has hung out at our home playing with my son many times. I'll just say I've had my reservations about this boy playing with my son, but I'd allowed it because my son seemed to really like him. Generally, they seemed to get along fine, though you could definitely see an age difference.

I'll go on to brag for a minute about my son. He was awarded his school's Good Citizen award this month. He met another kindergartener and befriended her. The little girl is a dwarf, though very sweet. He's been walking her to her classroom from the bus, and from her class to the bus. Apparently he's been taking her side when kids make fun of her or give her a hard time. It's great to know my son is so thoughtful. She's been invited to his party Saturday, though I don't know if she'll come. If you're interested, here is some information about dwarfism.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Aw, your son sounds wonderful. What a special guy! Sorry about the bully.
