Sunday, October 31, 2004

Which are you?

I can't take credit for these comparisons.. they're from this morning's service by Dr. Rick Long at Harmony Grove UMC. But I thought it an interesting question. Which are you: a thermometer or a thermostat?
A thermometer takes the temperature reading of it's environment and adjusts itself accordingly.
A thermostat does the same but the calls on a greater power to ADJUST it's environment to what it should be.

More than likely I'm a thermometer with thermostat desires. I try to adjust my world, but it doesn't always work. Maybe I don't have the self control or belief to follow through, or maybe I give up to easily, I'm not sure. I, like most of us, look at what we WANT and do what we can to get it. Then, when something adverse happens we tend to focus on the bad, not the good. I don't look at the problem as something to be overcome, but as a blockade toward getting to my goal.

It applies in business just as it applies in the personal life. I don't like "NO" when I talk to people about my business. It's a numbers game. The more "NO"s I get, the closer to that "YES" that I really want I get. But a lot of the time I see that "NO" and get depressed. Some times I stop working and feel sorry for myself. Then I take a look at what I HAVE done and say "OK, try again" and I start over. Eventually I'll get my outlook changed, it's not easy and it CERTAINLY isn't quick. I just have to make up my mind to change my environment (and my self perception) to meet what I KNOW can happen.

So, which are you?

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