Thursday, September 16, 2004

24x7 Attitude


You've heard it before: "Attitude is everything". "It's not what happens to you that matters; it's how your mind looks at what happens". Life is about "attitude".

From where I sit, it's getting increasingly more difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude! Traffic is stressful, responsible customer service rarely occurs, people are over-worked and struggling financially; it's becoming very difficult for individuals to maintain a balanced life style. When I arrive at the gym at 7:30 in the morning, a dedicated group of early risers has already worked out, showered, dressed and are on their way to face the daily challenges of their jobs. I bet in addition to feeling strong and healthy, this committed group begins the day with a positive attitude because they're taking time to take care of their health. It's a lesson for all of us!

Attitude is an inside job. It's how you respond to conditions out of your control. The challenge for most of us, including myself, is how to prevent external situations from impacting our attitude. Being positive requires work. It's a decision. It's telling yourself that no matter what is going on outside I will remain positive. I've decided to make having a positive attitude a goal for one week. For 7 days, regardless of what happens, I am going to sail through life's annoyances. Whether it's a delivery that doesn't arrive, an unresponsive customer service representative, a long slow moving postal line, traffic, or an important appointment that gets cancelled at the last minute, nothing is going to disturb my inner peace and mental toughness. I am going to maintain a positive mental attitude. It's all about focus.

Will you join me? Excuses are not an option!
About Bonnie Ross-Parker:
Bonnie Ross-Parker is America's Connection Diva.
She is a multi-dimensional entrepreneur, author, and speaker. Bonnie founded "The Joy of Connecting," networking organization in Atlanta, GA.
She is author of "Walk In My Boots ~ The Joy Of Connecting" a book that every net worker should read!
To find out more, please go to
Contact Bonnie at
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