Monday, October 09, 2017

Books by the Pound @Booksbythepound #Lotsofbooks #Korean #German #SciFi #Fantasy

My daughter and I were going to go to the grocery over the weekend.  As usual, though, we got side tracked and ended up at Books by the Pound.  I decided to try to find books that would let me practice German and Korean.  I got very lucky and found these.  2 kids books, 2 that will challenge me.  (I'm not ready for the other Korean book, but I've got it for later.)

We actually came home with 11 pounds of books and 2 cds. Overall, very happy with what we found. The shop is moving from it's current location, so they're having a special where you spend so much, you get a free book off of one of their discount shelves.

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