Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pinterest and more

Since I've started going to various table top game meet-ups, I keep finding cool new games.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy board games.  Yes, we play as a family but we tend to keep to the sames ones.  That's assuming I can get the other residents in the house to get off of their computers long enough to play. 

At any rate, to keep track of the games (as I can't afford to purchase half of them anyway), I created a new board on pinterest.  I'm not a pinterest-fanatic, but it is useful when you find new things you want to track.  If you're anything like me, half the time my brain is focusing on other things and the other half it's just unfocused.

If I find any particularly outstanding games, I'll still try to talk about them here.  But for now, I think, I'll just post them there.  The next table top gaming session I know of will be hosted by Well Played games again on April 19th.  I think they still plan to host it at the Courtyard over at Northlake.  Connect with them on facebook for more information.

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