Friday, March 08, 2013

#Fitfluential Friday Fitness Update

I've joined a challenge called Fitness Rebooted. The goal is to lose 10 pounds by May 1st. What I have to first admit to myself is that I managed to gain 2 pounds in January after I got my fitbit. I have since lost .8 of that. So, I'm going to work on getting my weight down and see if it can be achieved. With someone pushing me, it should make it that much easier.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

I also gave up and purchased new shoes. I love my Brooks' shoes, but the ones I have have gone "flat" from the walking I've done (a couple of 5ks and a half marathon, plus training and general wear). Those should be in soon. I also experience a very tired feeling in my ankles/calves when walking any sort of pace. I had compression socks recommended to me last year at an expo, but didn't follow through. I've since gone ahead and purchased a pair to see if it helps any.

My knee is feeling the effects of the working out I've been doing. With Choi twice a week and Zumba class once a week, I added on doing Zumba on the Wii once a week to balance it out. I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of the latin music on my game. The class uses it too and while it has a great beat/rhythm to follow, but it just doesn't "move" me. I think if I could find a Zumba that uses music I like (Bon Jovi/Aerosmith/etc) I'd be good. At any rate, it's all made my knee prone to swelling slightly by the end of the day. I really have to watch out for that.

I'm looking forward to the Color Run on April 6th with my daughter. I've joined a team of blogging moms, so she and I will have plenty of company on the run. I really want to get a pair of muddbuster shorts from sparkleskirts soon. I may end up doing the Dirty Girl run after all in April with another group(some of the same) of blogging moms and they'd be very handy. I love my Wonder Woman Skort I have from them. My daughter has the matching skort, so I may talk her into wearing that at Color Run.

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