My kids decided instead of doing the trick-or-treat thing around our neighborhood, they'd rather go to the church and do trunk-or-treat. So, we took down most of our decorations. Anything that we could use to decorate the van at the church we took with us instead. We drove over to the church, parked next to the gym and set up for Halloween. I don't know about everyone else, but I ran out of 5 large bags of candy and one of those big "barrel" containers of pretzels. My kids had a blast. They were able to get lots of candy and then go play in the gym. The church had a couple of moonwalks set up (one for big kids, one for littles) as well as many games for the kids.
So my kids got to totally spaz out with lots of other kids. My neighbor said we had 77 kids go by, I know we got a lot more than that at the church. I hope everyone else had as nice of a Halloween!
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